Wednesday, September 22, 2010

And so it begins...

     The beginning of the end- SENIOR YEAR of college. I am only 3 weeks in and it feels like an much stress and anxiety in the production of my work- struggling to find out what it is I will be doing for the rest of my life! Its so hard to know and choose between 2 studios that consume so much of myself and require my full attention to which I have been neglecting to give.

     However, yesterday was a point of re-discovery for myself- reviving the spark between me and my paintings. I had left behind the most important aspect of my painting...myself. I forgot the playfulness and experimentation that I use to come at my canvas with- and yesterday was just that. I painted for 5 straight hours- rotating from canvas to canvas, initially starting with 2 then progressing to 3 as my ideas came pouring out- it felt so good. I navigated my way throughout the pieces and got to know each one individually. They fueled me to work through each other, working on one and setting it aside to dry- moving continuously to the next. I hadn't done this in forever, and although it resulted in only one being completed- I have let burn this burning desire that I had to reconnect, and I am not done yet.

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